The final amount of the bond campaign will be announced soon..

We want to thank everyone tremendously for the support during our bond campaign over the past year. We will soon provide an update about the final amount and our plans for the coming period!
The bond campaign is coming to an end, but purchasing a bond remains possible (and continues to help us tremendously).
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'What if we built our own?': young Amsterdammers fight housing crisis with cooperative build— Jon Henley, in The Guardian.
What is a housing cooperative?
A housing cooperative is a coalition of people who desire to manage their own houses in a social way, guided by the needs of the collective. As members of a housing cooperative in formation, we collectively design our new dwelling and again collectively build and maintain our property. An important aspect here is that on idealistic grounds no profit will be made at the cost of the tenants, that is, the members of the cooperative.

In both Germany and Switzerland this form of housing is already widely deployed as a means to ease the pressure on the housing market, to help it become a little more healthy. The municipality of Amsterdam is now also active in this field, and sets out to realize 40.000 houses of the cooperative kind by 2040, making up about 10% of new construction up to that year. The recently published Actieplan wooncoöperaties clearly outlines the municipality's ambition in this matter.
Photo: Laura Huygen
Housing cooperative De Torteltuin
How do we want to live later in life? This question planted the first seed for De Torteltuin. The answer: more affordable, social and green than what we can find in Amsterdam at the moment. What we want does not exist yet - so we will build it ourselves, as a collective.

Because we view ownership over houses neither as the holy grail for individuals, nor as a sustainable model for society, we are doing this as housing cooperative: development, usage and management are in the hands of the actual group of cohabitants. The appartements which we are building are going to be protected against the vagaries of the market with a fixed, low rent - a house is after all a basic right, not a tool to invest. Next to that our future house will be a beacon for communal living: we will share a lot of facilities with each other and we are making democratic decisions on the running of the housing cooperative. And all of this within the realms of a energy-neutral, climate-proof and nature-inclusive building! Because by looking further than the moment when the building will be finished, we are looking at the long term value that our housing cooperative can create for her inhabitants and her neighbourhood.

From the first brainstorm in January of 2020 we have come far:
In 2022 de Torteltuin has signed an agreement with the municipality for the development of a plot on
Centrumeiland, IJburg, in Amsterdam. In October 2023 we got the loan of the Stimuleringsfonds and now we have a beautiful final design of our building which we created together with Natrufied Architecture.
Also we are going to work hard on the bond campaign in the upcoming months and the start of construction is planned for the beginning of 2025.
Visualisation of De Torteltuin by Natrufied Architecture
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