Support us with a donation!
  • €33.205
    Donation amount

    Latest update: 07/21/24, 15:23
    (this statistics is updated manually)
  • 175+
    Number of donors
Support De Torteltuin!
De Torteltuin is a housing cooperative in formation, currently consisting of 25 young Amsterdammers who want to build a social, sustainable and affordable building, where 40 apartments will be rented at a fair price for the next 100 years.

After 4.5 years of work, we have achieved a lot. There is a Definitive Design (DO) of the building, we have come up with the rules for a pleasant living together and last but not least, an option agreement with the municipality to develop a beautiful plot on IJburg.
How can you help us with your donation?

Initial costs have been covered by members' own deposits and monthly dues, a donation campaign and some grants for such things as hiring construction and legal consultants or making a Final Design (DO). A bond campaign is necessary because banks lend up to 70% of the construction sum to housing cooperatives. The remaining part is financed by the SVn's Stimulation Fund, our bond campaign and donations.

Help us finance this last part and thereby stimulate sustainable housing construction, social cohesion in the city, non-profit housing and the movement of housing cooperatives!

If you have any questions or comments, please email

De Tortels in museum Het Kromhout, oktober 2020
Every penny helps
Go directly to online payment via the button below
This is an impression of a space in our central stairwell. Here there is room to meet and provide space for (neighborhood) activities.

Visualisation by Natrufied Architecture
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