Support us through an investment!
Target amount Donation campaign: €33.000
Latest update: 11/17/22, 14:30
(this statistic is manually updated)
Target amount Tranche 1: €50.000
Latest update: 07/21/24, 15:23
(this statistic is manually updated)
Target amount Tranche 2: €500.000
Latest update: 02/15/25, 17:00
(this statistic is manually updated)
Bond 10 years
The bond has a maturity of 10 years and helps finance the construction of the Torteltuin. After the term expires, the purchase amount will be refunded with interest.

The bond has an annual interest rate of 3%. This interest rate is rolled up, meaning that the purchase amount as well as the interest is repaid at the end of the term. Furthermore, there is no interest-on-interest, but you are entitled to annual interest on the purchase amount.

Support the Torteltuin and buy a bond!
The Torteltuin is a housing cooperative consisting of 25 young Amsterdammers who want to realise their living dream by developing a social, sustainable and affordable building. The building consists of 40 units, which are rented out in perpetuity at a fair price and with consideration for people, neighbourhood and nature. Future profits will not be used to distribute to shareholders or residents, but will benefit society.

In the past four years, we have achieved a lot: there is an option agreement with the municipality of Amsterdam to develop a beautiful plot on IJburg, the preliminary design has been completed and the final design is in the pipeline and last but not least, we have concluded a loan agreement with the Stimuleringsfonds Volkshuisvesting Nederlandse gemeenten (SVn) for 600,000 euros in the development phase and 1.4 million from the start of construction.

The bond campaign

The initial costs have been covered by members' own deposits and monthly membership fees, a donation campaign and some subsidies for hiring structural and legal advisers or making a final design, for example. A bond campaign is necessary because banks lend up to 70% of the construction sum to housing cooperatives. The remaining part is financed by SVn's stimulation fund and this bond campaign.

So to finance the last part of the construction sum, we as De Torteltuin issue bonds. Issuing bonds gives us the opportunity to realise the building together with the community. This bond issue is in two rounds or 'tranches'.

For Tranche 1, the target amount was €50,000 and for Tranche 2, the target amount is €500,000. On 4 February 2024, we had started selling Tranche 1 bonds and by 5 March 2024, we had reached our target amount of €50,000. Therefore, we are now continuing with Tranche 2!

The bonds in Tranche 2 have a term of 10 years and an annual interest rate of 3%. With these bonds, we will finance part of the construction costs.

Help us finance this last part and thereby stimulate sustainable housing construction, social cohesion in the city, non-profit housing and the movement of housing cooperatives!

If you have any questions or comments about the crowdfunding, please email

More than 95% of our building has now been funded. We have a loan agreement with the Municipality of Amsterdam via the SVn for 600,000€ in the planning fase and 1.5 million in the construction phase and we are already supported by more than 250 people. The support of your amount now exceeds 100,000€!

Now we still miss more than 450,000 euros to make our dream of a place for the neighborhood and all Amsterdammers true. Until 1 October we need your investments to succeed!

Do you want to support us by investing or let your network know?

Investment benefits
By investing in De Torteltuin, you not only achieve an attractive financial return, but also support us in our mission of a sustainable, social and affordable city!
  • Sustainable building
    You invest in a nature-inclusive wood building with a vegetable garden and a roof on which we generate our own energy via solar panels. In winter, we will heat our house via heat pumps and within our plants on our facade we will create as many nests for animals as possible.
  • Social community
    Your investment supports a permaculture community caring for each other, the neighbourhood and the city. We share things and spaces in the community in which we create places for the neighbourhood to come together and make the city more beautiful through workshops, repair cafes or a neighbourhood kitchen.
  • Affordable housing, partly for people who are having an extra hard time on the housing market
    You enable affordable social and middle rent, part of which is earmarked for people who are having an extra hard time in the housing market. These remain affordable rental properties in perpetuity and can never be sold.
  • More housing cooperatives in the Netherlands
    By investing in us, you not only make the construction of our housing cooperative possible, but also that of many projects in the future. Every euro of profit we make from our project goes into a fund for housing cooperatives to make even more great projects possible.
  • An investment with an attractive interest rate
    An investment with an attractive interest rate.
    We offer an investment with 3% interest, above what Dutch banks offer savers.
  • A gift from the coop
    Besides a financial and social return, you will also receive a nice gift from us because we believe that you also deserve a gift for your support..
Our investors about our cooperative
What our investors tell about us❤️
  • Lovey project!
  • Super initiative! Best of luck!
  • I wholeheartedly support your initiative, good luck Tortles!!!
  • We need such leaders.
  • Super good Tortles, best of luck!
  • Good luck with your great initiative
This is an impression of our west facade. Here there is room to meet and space for (neighbourhood) activities.

Visualisation by Natrufied Architecture


You are investing outside AFM supervision.
No authorisation and prospectus requirement for this activity.

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